How To Make Decisions Without The Mind with Rebecca Emily Raab

“Decisions are how we navigate life. If we can master how we make decisions, we align with OUR path.” - Rebecca

Rebecca Emily Raab is an IHDS Certified Human Design Guide. In this conversation, Rebecca looks at how to make consistently reliable and aligned decisions - without the mind - through the lens of Human Design. There isn’t one blanket way for all of humanity to make decisions according to Human Design.

In this conversation, Rebecca will speak through each of the 7 decision making Authorities. Leave this conversation with an introduction into how YOU can make decisions without your Mind’s involvement.

Once you master your decision making process, the need for asking others to decide for you or visiting guru’s, becomes obsolete - or simply for entertainment.
What is Human Design?

Human Design is a synthesis of science and spiritual systems including astrology, astronomy, genetics, quantum mechanics, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system and bio-chemistry. It provides individuals with incredibly unique and intricate insights into their unique energetic makeup, personality traits, and life purpose.


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