Astrological Forecast: February 2024

Join Astrologist Jill Loftis for the February 2024 Astrological Forecast, find out what this month has in store.

February 1:     

Mercury in Capricorn sextile to Neptune in Pisces, inspiration grounded in reality, wonderful for ideas and creative projects. Moon void from 4:03 am until 3:37 pm EST.

February 2:     

Embrace that positive Mercury/Neptune that is still happening and the sextile from Saturn in Pisces to Jupiter in Taurus that is happening all this month. You must say yes to take advantage of these luck aspects!

February 3:    

Moon void 10:24 pm until 1:28 am on the 4th EST.

February 4:     

Chiron and the Nodes square to Venus in Capricorn; ouch. Big relationship issues, challenges in the Aries/Libra/Capricorn areas of life. You are being shown how certain relationships are no longer working for you; change them or release them, the pressure will increase until you make a decision.

February 5:     

Mercury into Aquarius, immediately conjuncts Pluto; volatility with the mind and communication, it might feel like an amped up Mercury Rx. Venus in Capricorn square to Chiron in Aries, love hurts but healing helps.

February 6:     

Venus in Capricorn squares the Nodes at 17 degrees Capricorn, you’ve seen this already with the Mars/Mercury square to them. How are your values, self-worth or even just your aesthetic being tested? What will stand in the long term? Moon void 12:06 am until 7:08 am EST.

February 7:     

Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces for several days, be sure to stay inspired and spiritual and not controlling or obsessed with media or other places of delusion. Venus in Cap still square to the Nodes and Chiron, picks up a trine to Uranus in Taurus which helps a lot, move towards the freedom-oriented choice.

February 8:     

Sun in Aquarius square to Uranus in Taurus; slow down, you must synthesize technology and Earth-related practical matters; could be some interesting financial swings and/or issues with resources over these several days. Moon void 2:42 am until 8:49 am EST.

February 9:     

New Moon 5:59 pm at 20 degrees 41 minutes of Aquarius, with bountiful blessings to the Nodes, as well as a lovely blend between Neptune and Mars AND a nice connection to Chiron which is touching the NN in Ares -- but watch the clash between Sun/Uranus and Jupiter/Mercury. Moon immediately voids until 8:42 am on the 10th, the Lunar New Year.

February 10:   

Remember, Moon is void until 8:42 am EST today, time to set intentions for the New Moon in Aquarius, wherever that is in your chart. Happy Lunar New Year, Mercury in Aquarius square to Jupiter in Taurus, you will see how the visionary clashes with the practical. Pisces Moon touches Saturn, can feel a little harsh or cold.

February 11:   

Chiron in Aries conjuncts the NN in Aries, opposes SN in Libra exact until February 25; this is about healing the independent part of you, and possibility your inner child. They will travel together at 16 degrees until February 25, and still stay close for the rest of the month. Positive partnerships will shine, negative ones will show themselves.

February 12:   

Mars at 29 degrees Cap, close to Pluto in Aqua, caution flag up, Mars at 29 of anything can be volatile. Be careful, slow down, avoid power struggles, controlling personalities. Beware accidents, violence. Moon void 7:32 am until 8:26 am EST.

February 13:   

Mars into Aquarius, conjunct Pluto, the warrior meets the planet of death and rebirth, so be very wise and watch out for volatile energy. This is stay-home energy, group dynamics could go sideways quickly. Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, another practically inspired vibe, helps to ease the Mars/Pluto. Express yourself creatively.

February 14:   

Still managing Mars/Pluto, so caution flag up at the very beginning of Aquarius. Moon void of course 5:21 am until 10:02 am EST. Not a great Valentine vibe today, celebrate another day!

February 15:   

Mercury in Aquarius trine SN Libra/sextile NN+Chiron in Aries, a bit of positive energy in the midst of this difficulty. Big-picture, group energy, as above, so below. Ideas will come forth to help us to solve the problems created by Mars/Pluto.

February 16:   

Venus into Aquarius, brings a certain level of detachment. Step back and see what really matters. Venus in a stellium (grouping of planets) with Pluto and Mars until February 20, which might feel a bit awkward, will absolutely influence technology, group energy. Be very cautious and wise. Mercury in Aquarius square to Uranus in Taurus, too much detachment will not play well. The practical clashes with idealism. Moon void 10:01 am until 2:39 pm EST.

February 17:   

Still managing Venus conjunct Pluto; power struggle energy, problems with love and money. Ladies, be careful, this is Venus in the Underworld. Chiron and the NN at 16 degrees of Aries; very strong relationship situations come into focus. Saturn and Jupiter remain in sextile blessing the Pisces and Taurus areas of our lives; Mercury/Uranus square can really mess with technology, watch for miscommunications, technological breakdowns.

February 18:   

Sun into Pisces, happy solar return dear Pisces friends. Watch, things get a little more nebulous, uncertain; try to spiritualize the energy and be sure not to just blot things out or disappear into substances and/or distractions.

February 19:   

Chiron conjunct NN exact by degree and minute; tense karmic relationship energy; watch the radical need for independence, beware anger and upset. Steady ….

February 20:   

Mars and Venus oh so close in Aquarius, giving a bit of a radical edge to both.

February 21:   

Mars and Venus conjunct in Aquarius until February 28, neither particularly happy in this sign. Observe group energy in particular, serious detached vibe. This will give us some hints as to how Pluto in Aquarius will play out over the next 20 years, so pay attention to symbolic events in your life and in the World at large. Moon void 1:38 am until 8:40 am EST.

February 22:   

Moon void 11:18 pm until 8:38 pm the 23rd EST – that is a LONG TIME. This is the beginning of a series of super long Moon voids, be mindful.

February 23:   

Remember, Moon void alllll day until 8:38 pm EST – creative pursuits only, things will not stick.

February 24:   

Full Moon 7:30 am EST at 5 degrees 23 minutes of Virgo, opposite Mercury (the ruler of Virgo) as well as Saturn. This is tense energy, be very careful with your cord cutting or releasing rituals with this much tension; think positive Virgo analysis in order to choose wisely what to release. Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (Mars is close) which adds even more tension to this Full Moon, avoid excess anything. White lights shields-up.

February 25:   

Strong Pisces stellium (grouping of planets) with Mercury/Sun/Saturn all connected; where is Pisces in your chart? Serious conversations taking place, serious decisions being made. Tap into your spiritual angels, guides and teachers to maximize the Pisces energy in a positive direction. No self-defeating habits or behaviors, please!

February 26:   

Mars in Aqua square Jupiter in Taurus, Venus only two degrees separating from this square. Be careful you don’t go over the top, another time for potential issues with commodities, currencies and supply chains. Stellium of Mercury, Sun, Saturn in Pisces, sextile to Jupiter in Taurus; that’s an enormous amount of energy in Pisces, it might feel very unstable, and/or impossible to see what the right solution could be. The only way to manage it is to be tapped into intuition and operating from the best possible inner spaces of your subconscious. Look to see where Pisces is in your chart. Moon void 2:35 am until 9:29 am EST.

February 27:   

Moon void 1:22 pm until 10:09 PM EST on the 28th – again a LONG Moon void!

February 28:   

Don’t forget, Moon is void allllllll day -- until 10:09 pm EST. Triple conjunction Sun, Saturn, Mercury at 9 degrees of Pisces, all trine to Jupiter at 11 degrees of Taurus; WOW that is a lot of energy, friends. Especially whilst the Moon is void. Highly creative, but it can feel so untethered. Stay grounded, friends, but enjoy the inspiration.

February 29:   

Leap day! Mercury in Pisces sextile to Jupiter in Taurus; inspirational ideas that can be grounded into reality, so lock them in. Venus in Aquarius trine to SN Libra and sextile NN in Aries and Chiron in Aries; super karmic healing potential here.

Jill Loftis

Jill Loftis is an astrologer, mystic, yogi and mom. She came to study and learn astrology as a student of the Kriya lineage through the branch of Goswami Kriyananda and The Temple of Kriya Yoga.

In addition to practicing astrology and teaching yoga, she offers spiritual counseling services, tarot readings and leads workshops and trainings on meditation, breathwork, and life transformation.

She lives in Southwestern Virginia with her husband and enjoys international travel, gardening, good food, and chicken watching.

Human Design Transits: March 2024


Human Design Transits: February 2024