Channelled Conversations: How Can You Tell You Are Receiving Signs And Messages From The Universe? - 4 October 23

The universe is constantly communicating with us, providing signs and messages along our journey. Through synchronicities, coincidences, symbols, and intuitive feelings, we receive guidance, inspiration, and reminders.

By acknowledging, interpreting, and co-creating with the universe, we become active participants in shaping our own destiny.

Do you have those moments when you think you received a message from the universe but you also have those moments of doubts whether you're making it up in your mind?

What if I told you the universe is co-creating with your thoughts and knows exactly how to grab your attention but you keep getting in your own way.
Not everyone will receive a feather or double digits as their signs, what other signs are there, what are yours?

00:00:00 - Messages can be received through angels, guides and loved ones through the heart centre.
00:58:15 - You are co-creating with the universe. Your higher self is trying to direct you by using messages you receive as clues.
00:03:22 - You are sending out your energy out into your environment.
00:10:39 - Building your spiritual connection with developing. A close relationship with source.


Embodying Divine Goddess Archetype Series: Intuition Reigns - The Queen of Cups with Ami Dave


Channelled Messages and Meditation from Source with Anne Bayford - 2 October 23