Psychic Mediumship Session

with Anne Bayford


  • 60-minute one-on-one reading on Zoom

  • Optional video/audio recording

Psychic Mediumship involves connecting to another person’s energy and to see their energetic imprint and to look at where they have been, where they are and what’s to come. It can also involve bridging the gap with loved ones who have passed.

About Your Guide

Anne Bayford is our cofounder, Intuitive Therapist, Soul Transformational Coach & Psychic Medium. Anne has been on her spiritual journey for over 20 years since her first near death experience. She has since achieved qualifications in Counselling, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Reiki Masters, Psychic Mediumship and Mindfulness.

There is more to life than what we just see. In these sessions, working with her spirit guides, Anne tunes into your energy to look at what is going on for you.

She looks into areas of your life where you may feel blocked, frustrated or need some guidance. She asks her spiritual team to connect with yours to communicate the guidance you need to hear and evaluate options you may be deciding on.

These session are also a time for Anne to connect to those who have passed over; relatives, loved ones and animals. She can ask them questions and give you any messages they may have. Many clients just need confirmation that their loved ones are ok.

These particular sessions rely on cooperative communication between yourself, your loved ones and the psychic medium. It is important to come to these sessions with managed expectations. With patience, success is possible.

“I transmit and communicate information and conversation from loved ones passed who want to provide messages and guidance to the living. This session can help you to find peace, clarity and direction.”

- Anne Bayford, Co-Founder of Odyssey The Platform

Schedule Your Session

Book your session straight into Anne’s calendar.

Please note - all appointments take place over Zoom.
Appointments can be cancelled or rearranged up to 48 hours before.