Astrological Forecast: March 2024
March 1:
Sun in Pisces sextile to Jupiter in Taurus; reinforcement of ideas that sparked by when Mercury was here, now it’s time to take action, there is luck blessing your actions.
March 2:
Moon void 2:46am EST until 8:56am EST.
March 3:
Venus in Aquarius square to Uranus in Taurus; total clash in values, issues with beauty, love, money, food, commodities. Saturn, Sun and Mercury grouping of planets in Pisces begins to pull apart, Sun moving away from Saturn, which should make it feel like the energy gets lighter.
March 4:
Moon void most of the day 10:41 EST am until 4:15pm EST. Mercury in Pisces sextile to Uranus in Taurus can spark up some intuitive ideas and magical synchronicities, make time for creativity. Add in repetitive movements like walking, pacing or yoga to allow potential downloads or ideas to spark up.
March 5:
Mars in Aqua trine to SN Libra and sextile NN in Aries and Chiron in Aries; how can healing YOU heal the collective? Be visionary, see the new cycles beginning.
March 6:
Mars in Aqua precise sextile to Chiron in Aries, take the necessary actions to healing yourself in the Aries part of life. Healthy independence, healthy expressions of autonomy, and remember that you are one perfect thread in the tapestry of life! Moon void 2:35pm EST to 7:38pm EST.
March 7:
Mars in Aqua begins square to Uranus in Taurus; stay nimble and adept, this could rock technological thing, technology makes “war.” Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces, the mind is consumed by the fog, this will make the Mars/Uranus even more confusing. Ground yourself, even though it feels like the ground is shaking.
March 8:
Moon void from 1:56pm EST until 8:03pm EST. That Mercury/Neptune situation is really making it hard to see what is true and what is real. Stay grounded! You can’t get much practical work accomplished today.
March 9:
Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus, potential ideas, take the time to meditate. Mars in Aquarius exact square to Uranus in Taurus, potential erratic energy, be extremely cautious, careful with airplanes, technology in general. Mercury moves into Aries late in the day, this will begin to influence people to have strong mental patterns and a tendency to fight or argue.
March 10:
New Moon at 5:00am EST at 20 degrees 17 minutes of Pisces, has the blessings of Sun/Uranus, Jupiter/Saturn and the difficulty of Mars/Uranus. Launch your new initiatives in Pisces and remember Saturn is in that sign, ready to lock things in. This is a New Moon with sticking power! Moon void from 3:45pm EST until 8:19pm EST. Pisces Moon sextiles to Uranus in Taurus; touches the Sun and then touches Neptune; will also sextile to Pluto and conjunct Mercury after it moves into Aries. Mercury newly in Aries sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, sparking up some powerful ideas.
March 11:
Venus into Pisces, where she loves to be. Merge with what (and who!) you love. Adds a dreamy quality to things.
March 12:
Moon void 7:08am EST until 8:28pm EST. Another long one -- that’s basically all day, friends, not a day to initiate, sign contracts, make commitments.
March 13:
Still wading through stellium (planetary groupings) city, friends. ALLLL planets are in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus – except the South Node, pulsing away in Libra trying to upgrade our relationships. This focuses the energy in a very specific portion of your chart and it could feel a little overwhelming. People will be struggling and when they feel the intensity it can amplify their fears. Stay grounded and be wise.
March 14:
Moon void 6:29pm EST until 11:16pm EST.
March 15:
Gemini Moon flows with Pluto; square Venus and Saturn; sextile Mercury; watch your mind and mouth. Sun and Neptune getting very close in Pisces, this can feel very confusing, draining.
March 16:
Energy strengthening in Pisces and Aries parts of the sky; where is that for you? Slow down, big shifts and changes need to be managed.
March 17:
Sun and Neptune conjunct in Pisces; Neptune has the upper hand, so you might feel a sense of fog, or just exhaustion. Don’t engage in blocking behaviors, watch drugs, alcohol, etc. Sextile (blessing) between Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces begins to dissipate. Stellium (grouping of planets) of Mercury, North Node and Chiron in Aries until March 24, that’s a lot of fire energy. Aim that power towards healing, positive expressions of independence and pure expressions of fun and joy. Avoid anger or immaturity. Moon void from 12:43am EST until 5:40am EST.
March 18:
Mercury enters the Retrograde Zone at 15° Aries 59′; Mercury exact conjunct NN in Aries, oppose SN in Libra, watch for karmic conversations and turning points in relationships.
March 19:
Sun into Aries 11:06pm EST; Blessed Spring Equinox; this is the Astrological New Year. Brief Moon void 2:52pm EST until 3:33pm EST.
March 20:
Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries; how do you heal yourself in the Aries area of life through talking, writing or simply working with your own mental patterns?
March 21:
Venus and Saturn conjunct in Pisces; very serious declarations of love, great for spiritual inspiration and love of God and the Universe. Sun in Aries sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, which brings in a scientific or analytical feel to the energy, powerful day. Mars reaches 29 degrees of Aquarius, at 29 there is always a true push to completion.
March 22:
Mars into Pisces; the warrior loses his footing, watch for deep inner anger or desires. Have your mantra practice on point to focus this energy in a positive direction. Moon void 2:34am EST to 3:42am EST.
March 23:
Moon in Virgo opposes the Pisces planets, trines to the Taurus planets; be very practical, down-to-Earth.
March 24:
Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus, sexy date-night energy, also great for beautification, bodywork. Moon void 11:49am EST until 4:37pm EST.
March 25:
The first Eclipse season of 2024 launches with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees 7 minutes of Libra at 3:00am. Venus in Pisces still connecting sweetly with Jupiter, but loosen your grip, something is going to leave the Libra area of life, hopefully a non-functioning or sacrificial partnership.
March 26:
Moon void of course at 7:09pm EST until 5:03am EST on the 27th EST.
March 27:
Difficult Moon in Scorpio square to Pluto in Aquarius; but lovely connection to Mars in Pisces; take inspired action, watch technology.
March 28:
Venus in Pisces sextile to Uranus in Taurus; lovely sparks, if you want to meet someone, put yourself out there. Synchronicities can happen, follow your instincts.
March 29:
Another looooong Moon void 11:40am until 3:52pm EST.
March 30:
Sagittarius Moon makes some difficult aspects to the Pisces area of life, watch your emotions, stay steady, fire and water do not mix well.
March 31:
Moon void 8:16pm EST until 12:05am EST on the 1st . We end the month with Jupiter and Uranus getting very close in Taurus; with Mars moving rapidly towards Saturn in Pisces; with Venus moving to touch Neptune in Pisces; and a grouping of Sun, North Node, Chiron and Mercury all in Aries. This is powerful astrology my friend; stay tuned for April!