Human Design Transits: March 2024
The Sun is currently in the 63rd Gate – After Completion – Doubt, while the Earth is grounding us in the 64th Gate – Before Completion – Confusion. This week we have a double activation in our Head Centre. So, firstly, you may notice your mind thinking/overthinking more than usual. This particular transit is a perfect balance between the future and the past. Our logical minds wanting to find a route forward and the correct answers, and our abstract experience-based mind wants to look back to figure out why things happened the way they did. Notice as your mind flicks between the two and how you may be reasoning your decisions based on, “well, in the past this happened so I will plan for the future like this.” Ground yourself in this transit by coming back to the present and following your Strategy and Authority to ride the wave.
On the 8th, the Sun moves into the 22nd Gate – Openness – Grace (or Disgrace), and the Earth grounds us in the 47th Gate – Oppression – Realisation. Notice the juxtaposition of those two gates - the contradiction - yet there is perfect harmony between the two. There is a pressure this week to express your emotions. These emotions will be determined by where you are on the wave held in this gate. In the low, melancholic state of this gate, your words will hold this frequency, and vice versa if you are in the passionate high of this gate’s wave.
Notice how you may fluctuate between the two and notice the power of your words. Sometimes your interactions may be disgraceful with sharp edges this week, however there is also the potential for a great flow into graceful, softened style of communication. The 47th grounding gate is rooted in the past and it can make sense of almost anything. The answers to the things you were trying to make sense of at the beginning of the month that perhaps you couldn’t, may drop in now. You may be communicating about this at this time. Realisations about the past may just simply drop in and, depending where you are on the wave of the 22nd Gate, is how you will communicate it. Ground yourself in your Strategy and Authority. Projectors – are you being invited to share your realisations? If so, share away (if your Authority also feels to).
On the 13th, the Sun moves into the 36th Gate – Crisis and the Earth grounds us in Gate 6 – Conflict – Friction. Let’s be clear here, this is about growth. The keynotes sound wildly horrendous yet actually the 36th Gate is movement and transition. Moving into or out of crisis and pain and into hope (or vice versa) is transforming, and sometimes we are needing to feel certain things and then have those particular conversations. We’re learning the wisdom here of when to have those difficult conversations. Perhaps about our realisations from the week before.
On the 19th, the Sun moves into the 25th Gate – Innocence – Innocent Spirit and Universal Love and the Earth grounds us in 46th Gate – Pushing Upwards – Determination. This is our week to return to ourselves and our experience. Also, it’s about how we relate to others in the experiences we are in. There will be reflection on these experiences after the week has passed. You’ll need to be fully in the experience to get what you need out of it. You have a choice here of pure universal love, or hate this week. Your determination to push through something aligned to you will give you much to ponder about next week.
On the 25th, the Sun moves into the 17th Gate – Following – Opinions and the Earth grounds us in the 18th Gate – Working On What Has Been Spoilt – Correction. Here is that time to ponder. You are likely forming new opinions, or solidifying your current opinions this week based on your experiences and what needs to change for the benefit of everyone. Is there something to salvage? How do we salvage it? What needs to be corrected? Use your insights from your experiences here to help you to form your opinions and judgements.
As always, the transits move and the energy changes. You’ll always find your balance in your Strategy and Authority.
Love yourself always.